Our History
On the fourth Sunday, November 22, 2009, Macedonia Missionary Baptist Church ended a six-month search for a Pastor when the overwhelming majority called Doctor Jamison Hunter as its sixth Pastor. His person and presence in the Macedonia and Dayton community continues to distinguish itself in meaningful and impactful ways. Through him, the Lord is taking the ministry to new heights and at a rapid pace. In only a few years, the membership has more than doubled.
Since 2009, Dr. Hunter has served and led the Macedonia Baptist Church in Dayton, Ohio, and has been used by God to effect fresh energy, many trail-blazing initiatives, and notable growth in this traditional church context. Under Dr. Hunters, leadership, he has led the church in an internal campaign to liquidate $600,000 that was owed on the multi-purpose facility. Most notably, the church has built a $2.2 million-dollar worship center (sanctuary) and total renovation that encompasses a new worship center, administrative offices, and youth center. Doctor Dr. Jamison Hunter served Macedonia Missionary Baptist Church until his resignation on August 30, 2020.
On the fifth Sunday, January 30, 2021, Macedonia Missionary Baptist Church ended a five month search for a Pastor when the overwhelming majority called The Rev. Jarvis A. Ellis Sr. as its seventh Pastor. As Paul penned to his beloved friends and cohorts in Corinth, “…eyes have not seen, ears have not heard, neither has it entered into the hearts of men what good things God has in store…” for the family of God labeled the Macedonia Missionary Baptist Church. We can’t wait to see what else God is going to do, as we, pastor and people follow His instructions.
With a keen interest in discipleship and individual growth, there is genuine spiritual excitement in the air. As Paul penned to his beloved friends and cohorts in Corinth, “…eyes have not seen, ears have not heard, neither has it entered into the hearts of men what good things God has in store…” for the family of God labeled the Macedonia Missionary Baptist Church. We can’t wait to see what else God is going to do, as we, pastor and people follow His instructions.
The timeline below details the tenures of the pastors who have served the Macedonia Church family.
1. 1928 – 1929 | Reverend Forest Few |
2. 1929 – 1947 | Reverend John Wright |
3. 1948 – 1949 | Reverend Edward Varner |
4. 1949 – 1993 | Reverend Marcus Clark |
5. 1994 – 2009 | Doctor Robert E. Baines, Jr. |
6. 2009 – 2020 | Doctor Jamison Hunter |
7. 2021 – Present | Rev. Jarvis A. Ellis, Sr. |
As you can see, in our fourscore (plus) history, Macedonia has enjoyed the favor of God through some distinguished men who have given and one who now gives leadership to this ministry. The church has witnessed a city that was once a vibrant northern industrial haven for many persons who moved from the south, to the revisited economic challenges of the 1920s. In spite of these challenges, God has continued to extend grace to this ministry and afforded us the privilege of yet transforming lives and making disciples one person at a time.